Tips on hunting doves: Plenty to go around
[…] it fields the nation’s largest number of dove hunters, with as many as 350,000 or more wingshooters participating in hunting season, which opens Sept. 1 in most of the state. […] dove hunters can increase their success, and certainly their enjoyment of the hunt, if they follow a few pointers from folks such as Robert and Mario Trotti, who run Texas Dove and Waterfowl (, a wingshooter-oriented outfitting business that puts clients on hot dove fields in the state’s Central and South zones. Mourning doves like smaller seed such as milo (grain sorghum), croton (dove weed), sesame and native sunflower and grass seeds. Even a few standard static dove decoys clipped on a fence or in the branches of a dead tree or shrub can draw the attention of passing doves.
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