The University of Texas at Austin has assembled a working group to begin discussing policies the flagship campus will implement regarding the concealed carry of handguns. … [Read more...] about UT-Austin establishes campus carry working group
NRA Texas
Popularity of hunting is soaring with girls, women
Since 2000, hunting participation by females has risen dramatically in Texas. In the first year of the new millennium, 5,264 females passed the mandatory hunter education course. The course is required of every hunter born on or after Sept. 2, 1971. … [Read more...] about Popularity of hunting is soaring with girls, women
Chris W. Cox: “We’re Going to Win This Country Back”
U.S. Senator John Cornyn of Texas has introduced S. 2002, to stop the Obama administration’s abuses of the National Instant Background Check System (NICS). Chris W. Cox, Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, explains that the bill will protect the Second Amendment rights of more than 4 million Social Security recipients, and reclaim the gun rights of … [Read more...] about Chris W. Cox: “We’re Going to Win This Country Back”
Presidential Candidates, Members of Congress, and Governors Call for Military Right-to-Carry
Following the murder of four U.S. Marines and a U.S. Navy sailor by a terrorist in Chattanooga, presidential candidates, including former Florida governor Jeb Bush (R), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), businessman Donald Trump, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker (R), and former U.S. Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), … [Read more...] about Presidential Candidates, Members of Congress, and Governors Call for Military Right-to-Carry